OPINION: Fishermen are literally fishers of men. I wonder that the parallel ideas have turned into criticism in association with the president’s tagging of the cabinet ministers as “fishermen”. It sounded a joke, a melody in the ears of many, and yet the title “fishermen” was befitting and a true definition of what I think is the sitting cabinet.
It is a notable phenomenon that every good is appreciated last in the current world. Right from the time of choosing the twelve, Jesus took time in serious discernment actually scripture tells that he prayed for discernment. Not only did he pray but looked for devotion, service, patience, commitment among other qualities as a quality of his apostles.
I would love to share a thought about the characteristics and the life of the apostle. Taking a critical analysis on the life and character of the twelve (12) apostles, who in them devoted their lives and everything to the service of others and keeping “sacred “their duty.
To a greater extent though I think the title FISHERMEN was used by the president to commission the team of ministers whom he appointed and charged with the service of others. It was in itself a big appointment and it was left on each of them (Fishermen) to hold the title or drop it by the roadside.
No wonder today we see many of the “Fishermen” on the ground leading the path for others, implementations. I have followed the proceedings of the parliamentary sessions, and yet more the report of the prime minister, who states that she did not pride to travel by “Bodaboda”, but rather preferred to use it as the only available means then to cross over to monitor and assess the actual need in which in many social media platforms was again turned to the fun.
In the same reporting to parliament, the prime minister stressed the need to find lasting solutions to the disasters that ravaged most parts of our country than allowing what she called “some people keeping themselves in business.”
The dedicated ministers (fishermen) in my opinion are on their toes to fish for men having been commissioned and it’s deserving that all people of goodwill, those who stand to the principle of patriotism and those who see the mission of the sitting government which is “to transform Uganda from a poor peasant society into a modern, industrial, united and prosperous society” to give due credit to a committed team as the president defined them. In truth, they are becoming a real mind of the president who is calling them fishermen was sending a message to the nation that the new cabinet would be policy implementers at the grass root. Good job “fishermen”
For the past years in every electoral term, the president has greatly come up with slogans like “Kisanja Hakuna Mchezo” literally translated “a term of no games” and the latest dubbed “securing your future”. All these terms have driven forces to several achievements and true significance has been recorded.
Finally, the government at hand is one in the limelight to a new Uganda thus calling for the slogan “securing your future”, coupled with a very committed team of “fishermen” and the future is truly secured.
Criticism is truly a path of every righteousness, I am passionate though of how an effort not appreciated is much discouraging but when the mission is the key, and Criticism is given less attention and success is the only option.
The cabinet which in my opinion was well thought of by the president is in truth real fishermen who in them have emulated the life of Jesus fishers of men which is service of others. Live to be the pride of Uganda.
Bravo my great team of fishermen. In you is Uganda’s pride.
By Gabriel Erayu, Email:gabrielerayu5@gmail.com.
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